- Download WordPress
- SSH to LAMP Server
- Navigate to var/www/html
- run "wget https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz" to download WordPress
- run "tar -xzvf latest.tar.hz" to extract file
- This creates a WordPress folder in var/etc/html folder
- Setup MySQL Database
- enter mysql prompt by typing "myslq"
- create a database by typing: "create database {dbname} default character set UTF8 collate UTF8_unicode_ci;
- create database user by typing: "grant all on {dbname} to '{dbuser}'@'localhost' identified by {password};"
- run "flush privileges" and "exit" to exit mysql prompt
- Associate WP to database created
- within wordpress folder run "cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php" to copy file
- edit wp-config.php file:
- scroll to mysql settings
- replace relevant fields with database name, user and password
- change authentication keys:
- delete existing salt values
- copy 'https://...../salt" from description in file and then run URL in browser
- paste result from browser into same location as deleted then save file
- Associate WP to Apache2
- navigate to /etc/apache2/sites-available
- open 000-default.conf
- change 'document root' reference to 'var/www/html/wordpress'
- change 'directory' reference" to 'var/www/html/wordpress'
- Restart Apache2
- Start WordPress Installer
- Refresh site and fill in details on webpage
- Click on install button
- on install login using details provided
- configure site from resulting WordPress dashboard